This is the home page

(The place for lots of things about words written, words loved, words shared.)

Welcome to the website!

I'm glad you could make it.


In these pages are fascinating facts here and there, vital information there and here, and several places where you can waste a lot of time! Isn't that what the internet is for, after all?


I'm particularly proud of my Books for Boys sections. (Shhh, they're not just for boys, but most people who don't think of themselves as readers because they don't know about these amazing books yet.) Check them out with the tabs on the left.


Here are a few notes on some of the recent projects I'm working on right now:


5) Teaching Honors courses, Young Adult Literature and Grammars of Englishat Montclair State University.


4) A Young Adult novel that is at once a tribute to friendship, a comedy, and a twenty-first century romance.


3) Several valuable books on American literature. Check out this page for more information.


2) Intermittently reviewing books and serving on award committees.


1) A Young Adult novel about running, about family, about loss, about growing away from friends, about love that's more complicated than books make them out to be, and about survival.


Are you a boy, or do you know one?                            


Check out my Books for Boys section.                         


It's something I feel strongly about...

Contact Dr. Nicosia for speaking and dynamic professional development engagements on children's literacy, young adult fiction, writing & more.

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